Tuesday, April 13, 2010

it's 4 am here

And I'm WIDE AWAKE! By the way, Nick is snoozing!

I've been on the computer since 3, reading my blog comments (and crying!) and doing some research.

I have decided Bates has Acid Reflux. Who needs to go to med school when you have google?! All of the things I found on line sound JUST LIKE HIM and everything his foster mother said. He was very preemie, which makes him a prime candidate.

So here I am a world away, with Korean drug stores..... thanks to my friends Leah and Casey back home, they are getting me some info to hopefully help with the plane ride! Leah even Babel Fish translated the words "Acid Relux" for me! Ha!

I brought a bag full of drugs for Bates, but no Acid Reflux medicine.... just Mylacon and Tylenol. Today we have a tour guide for the morning, so I am going to see if she can help me find a drug store and get him some medicine to at least help on the plane till we can see a doctor.

Once we get this stomach thing under control, I think he will feel so much better and hopefully start eating and sleeping!

We have an appointment on Tuesday with the Ped in Murfreesboro, so hopefully she will help and we will get the boy feeling better (and in turn liking us!)

Thanks everyone for your prayers and support! It means the world to us!


  1. I am praying for you little mama! You right know have Everything going through your mind. Becoming a mama is the most rewarding,overwhelming,scariest thing you will do in your life. There will be happy times and not so happy times. But watching your son grow and learn and laugh and grow into a young christian boy then a man is amazing. God has brought you and nick this far he will carry you through all the unknowns with Bates. Your ped will give you the med he needs for acid reflux. He will get over that really soon.Christian had that. It goes away pretty fast after the med. You all make a wonderful family. Bates will adjust just fine. Remember God chose you and nick to be his parents. He will never leave you or forsake you girl. It will all work out the plane ride and everything. I will have my small group at church pray for you and nick, bates and his foster family. God is in all these situations that you all are facing and he will bring you through. God Bless you and your family and bates foster parents.

  2. I think you're so right! Army, my oldest, had terrible reflux and that sounds JUST like him!!!! He threw up after he ate almost every time, when he got upset, when we jostled him around too much, etc. We got so used to vomit, it became no big deal to us. We ended up using Mylanta, plain old liquid form, before every meal and it helped. AND he grew out of it around 18 months. Still throws up easily but SOOOO much better! Awesome job identifying the problem!!!!

  3. MLB!! Ask Dr. Jeong!!!!! She'll get you reflux meds while you are there if she concours. ASK!!!!!! Dr. Jeoung-she rocks and is very sweet and kind!!!

  4. Praying for you and crying with you as I read this. I agree with Zachary. Get the meds for the flight. Then, when you get home, have him checked over and he may need a different formula and/or meds. He will more than likely grow out of it.
    Love you and covering you with prayers. God Bless! I cannot wait to see you all!

  5. Your first "mommy moment" google. I love it. There will be many more.

    Stay away from WebMD though - it will tell you your kid is dying, everytime! :)

  6. Mary Leigh and Nick,
    you probably don't remember me but I came to the support group a few times with Angie Frizzell. My name is Mary Elizabeth Johns, aka Emmy. My husband and I adopted our Silas from South Korea. He will have been home a year in June. Thank you sooo much for your blog. It is so cool seeing the pics of SKorea and OF COURSE you son Bates. He is awesome!!! We had Silas escorted to the states so HATS OFF to you both for going to get Bates yourselves. I just did not think I could handle being a first time parent and traveling to a foreign country all at once. BUT you guys are doing incredible!! Please do not stress about anything. You guys are MOM AND DAD and he will adjust just fine once you get home and back in your routine. All the things foster mom said about sleeping, feeding, and "playfulness";) will settle down once he gets in you guys routine. Silas did the same thing and he has settled in just fine! Keep your head up and be strong!!! You can do it Mommy!!!! mary elizabeth

  7. My preemie daughter (a 30 weeker) had acid reflux, too. Unfortunately for us, my daughter's reflux was more of a mechanical problem and the medicine did very little for her in the long run (it seemed to work for several days and then she was back to constant vomiting). Luckily for me, my daughter also has sensory processing issues (something you might also look into since it's common in preemies) and she is under-sensitive to pain, so the acid reflux wasn't too uncomfortable for her and she was a very pleasant baby despite her reflux. But it sounds like Bates, if he has sensory issues, would probably be on the overly-sensitive side of things. Double whammy! Hang in there. You know he's worth it, so don't worry too much.

  8. Oh yes I TOTALLY agree. Three of my babies had acid reflux. The doc can prescribe meds that will make a WORLD of difference. Even children's Tums can help, if you can find it there. It can also be linked to lactose intolerance...just a thought. Anywho, you will get him home and to the Dr. and they will be able to help. Just do what works til you get home...and we will buy stock in Mandarin oranges! hee hee

  9. Mary Leigh, I am new to your blog. We are also waiting to pick up our daughter. i read about the hard time your little one was having and it reminded me of my son. When he was a baby he was allergic to milk protein. It would cause extreme reflux, vomitting, lack of sleep, and crying. People who are allergic to casein(milk protein)also sometimes crave it even more. My son outgrew it only for it to come back when he was 4. When I finally took him off dairy last year, there was a huge change. My son, who used to be a horrible sleeper and wake up at 5:30 every morning, started sleeping through the night and until 8-8:30 am. Some other signs are also rashes and skin irritation around the mouth, armpits and torso. Check him out. That may be what is going on. If it is, things will completely change when you get him off dairy. Hope it helps. I will say a prayer for you tonight.
    Kara O

  10. Actually that is the first thing I thought when I read the FM's description of Bates. My DS is on prevacid and zantac and it REALLY helps. Try to stay away from sugary sweets and good luck.
