We came back to the room and just kinda laid around and then got ready and headed to Holt for Bates' pre-flight physical around 12. We packed the cell phone he liked, two balls, and a Pororo musical microphone we bought at the EMart. His physical was at 1. We walked out of the subway station and to the left was Bates in the car with his foster mom and dad! He was riding in the middle of the truck in his car seat. They had two other babies with them, one we know for sure was their other foster child.
We met them on the steps of Holt and his foster mom ushered me down the steps to go get him at the car! I was trying to get Nick to get the camera out so we could get some pictures and not be all frantic like we were the last time. I told him "quick, get a picture before he cries!"
About that time another family walked in. They are from Franklin, right down the road from us! Small world huh? They were there for their first meeting with their daughter. We wished them luck as they headed upstairs!
Bates did better. He didn't scream, but he did cry off and on. He was pitiful. He was just turning and looking and trying to look in the other room for his foster mom! Broke my heart. At one point he saw her and then he screamed. The rest of the time he did this fake cry, with BIG OLE CROCODILE tears! I'm telling you, this guy can TURN IT ON. He makes his little jaw quiver and these big ole tears just pool in his eyes. So sad! His foster mom gave us a bottle and some little snacks for him. He certainly didn't want the bottle and made that very clear! He would eat one or two of the snacks, but lets just say, the kid isn't an eater- AT ALL!
We were sitting next to the foster mom who had a little guy with her. This little guy was BUSY! He could walk and he was into everything. He would adjust the thermostat, pull clothes out of the little store, throw a ball across the room. His forever mom and dad better be resting up!!
After about 30 minutes DJ came down stairs and she ushered us into the Sick Baby Clinic. I told her my concerns about Acid Reflux. She said she would ask the doctor when we saw him.
DJ was so sweet. She said she emailed all the Holt Staff and asked them to pray for us. She told me for our next adoption to email her and she will make sure to match us with an easy, laid back child! I think she is concerned about us. She wanted to know what airline we were flying, to make sure we would have some help on the flight. She was just looking at me, and I looked back at her, and she said "you are just so pretty!!" Sure did make me feel good, holding a crying baby with hair that's a little wacky without my straighter, and she thinks I'm pretty- makes a girl feel good.
I had Nick take my picture with Bates and DJ. I told him to act nice and be sweet to DJ cause she worked very hard to help bring him home. He didn't seem to care!
Bates was crying so hard his foster mom came in the room and got him. This time, unlike every other time, he didn't just stop crying when she picked him up, he just kept crying. DJ asked me if we would like to take him for a walk in the stroller. I said, sure. His foster mom put him in the stroller and left to get a blanket.
We were just kinda standing there and DJ went and got the cutest little baby girl. She is 6 mths old and has been matched with a family in Philly. She was the sweetest baby and would just smile and giggle at you. Nick and I both held her and played with her. I ended up going to Bates who was strapped in a stroller and having a FIT! His foster mom still hadn't returned. I didn't want to get him out of the stroller, so I leaned down and tried to soothe him, but he was having NONE of it. He was crying so loud and hard that his Foster Dad came and got him out. His foster dad took him over to a seat and soothed him and ended up feeding him a bottle. DJ went and talked to the foster dad and came and told us that he didn't want us to take him on a walk, he was afraid he was too upset and didn't want him to get sick. We were totally fine with that- his foster mom had told us he doesn't like the stroller cause he can't see her, so I'm not sure the walk would have gone well anyway! DJ told me she thought it was really hard for the foster father because she thought he was very attached to Bates. She said it was breaking his heart for him to be so upset.
About that time DJ said, oh hold on. She walked out to the lobby and the elevator and came back in with MOLLY HOLT! Molly is the daughter of Harry and Bertha Holt, the founders of Holt International. Holt actually was the first adoption agency in South Korea and they laid the political ground work for allowing US adoptions from South Korea. How neat to actually get to meet Molly. She was sweet and came over and met Bates. Such a neat thing to get to meet the legacy of the founder of the agency that helped us find our son!
We headed out the door, leaving Bates with his foster father, and waved bye. Bates was playing with the microphone, so we left it with him. I didn't have the heart to take it away from him!
I teared up the whole way back to the subway. Just such an emotional thing to say bye to him. I was proud of myself for keeping it together the whole visit, though!
I told Nick we should go get another Pororo microphone, just in case the one doesn't come back with him tomorrow.
To be continued with the rest of the afternoon....
Mary Leigh- I don't know you but my husband and I are also adopting from S. Korea and we have friends there now also getting their son. She is also a blogger and that is how I found your blog. I know you have communicated with her a couple of time, Lisa McIlvain from Kentucky. I just want to encourage you, I can't imagine how you must be feeling but know there are folks out there that you know even know that are praying for you, your husband and Bates. He is an adorable little boy who is going to realize how lucky he is to have been matched with you and Nick. Seems like you have had a very rough week and I am praying for a safe and calm flight home. Remain positive and patient, God will take care of the rest!! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way!
ReplyDeleteTeresa Spears-Kentucky
Wow! So close! Love your little man! He is just precious. I love seeing the picture of your family of three! So exciting...even if he is crying a little:) We are praying for safe and happy travels for the Brown family! Love you:)
ReplyDeleteBeth (and Eric)
Bates will be your biggest fan in no time at all! He is a cutie! Can't wait to meet him! Let me know if we need to show up with anything "special" for you at the airport (or drop it off at your house)! -Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteMary Leigh.. he is so beautiful and you do look great (esp with that tan!!!). This is such an emotional ride, even being on the outside looking in! I stalk this blog all day to see whats going on! We are all here for you and everything will be great!!!!!! The picture of the three of you is so emotional.. its amazing to see him in your arms!
ReplyDeleteML-Thanks for my morning cry, this is so emotional. Bless DJ, she is sooo sweet. We saw her the next morning at our hotel and P was doing great, she told me I was worried since he would not come to us! I am thinking about your family and sending prayers. PS. Your post makes me want 50 more...Jim says NO!
ReplyDeleteMary-Leigh... I have so enjoyed watching your journey to Bates! Stay strong in the Lord through the rough times because it WILL get better! Praying for a great pick up day tomororw...
ReplyDeleteamanda (c's mom from the holt bb)
PS- Molly Holt is amazing! She actually escorted our son home to us- most amazing escort ever!!! :-)