So we left the hotel over an hour early, and headed to Holt. We were loaded down with all our gifts and a bag FULL of donations (thank you everyone!)
We headed down the stairs to the subway and there was a tram already there, I turned to Nick and said "comon, hurry!" I jumped on the tram, just as the door shut on my backpack, and there Nick was on the other side of the glass door. So I figured I'd ride to the next stop and stay at the door of the car I got off of and I'd see him on the next tram and jump back on.
Here I am in the station waiting for Nick on the next tram.
We met back up, no problems and kept on going to Holt. Our directions said it would take about 20 minutes to get there, but it took us about 40 minutes.
We walked out of the subway, turned the corner and could see the building. Holt!! I said, there it is! Here we go!
As we walked up the steps I looked to the left and there in the waiting room was BATES! His foster mother was holding him. I waved to him and said "Nick, there he is, it's Bates!" I was glad to see him and know it was him. I was afraid I would not know him. He looked just like all his pictures!
A social worker, or maybe it was a nurse, grabbed him from his foster mom and met us at the door. She immediately handed him to me and the foster mom grabbed the gift bags from my hands. They quickly ushered us into an elevator. It was so surreal, it all happened so fast. It was a whirlwind of people, gift bags, elevators. Ahhh!
Nick, me (holding Bates), his foster mom, and his foster dad got on this TINY elevator. His foster mom and dad kept saying "Omma, Appa" (which means mom and dad in Korean) and pointing to us. We just followed the foster mom into a room and sat down. Bates was just looking at me like what the heck.
I think the foster mom went and got DJ, the Holt social worker because she walked in and said, oh, I didn't know you were here. I said, we just got here, he was handed to us, and we just followed her.
As soon as the foster mom walked back in the room, Bates started screaming! So he was in my arms about 5 minutes before the tears started.
DJ translated between the foster family and us. I didn't have to really ask any questions, the foster mom just started talking and telling us things.
Here are some things we learned about Bates:
- He is a very very very very very very VERY picky eater. This was the first thing the foster mom wanted to tell us. The only thing he likes is formula! He takes a bottle every two- three hours (round the clock!!!). He will eat a spoonful of rice, occasionally. He likes mandarian oranges, but will only eat like two or three (Can someone go get some mandarian orange fruit cups and have them at my house, please?) He didn't eat ANY of the snacks we sent. He doesn't like Gerber baby food. His foster mom tried to mix in rice cereal into his bottle to get more calories in him and he wouldn't drink it.
Are we sure this is my son?!?! So much for trying to bribe him to like us with food. He ate like two-three of the puffs we brought! What are we going to do?!? - He throws up- A LOT! If you try to feed him too much he throws up. If he doesn't want to eat, he throws up. If he coughs too much, he throws up. Yep, awesome. Again, are we sure this is my son?! I so DON'T do throw up. DJ said to make sure we take plenty of changes of clothes for the plane, for all of us! Oh no!
- He doesn't sleep! Like AT ALL! His foster mom will bathe him about 9:30 and lay down with him at 10. He MIGHT be asleep by midnight! He rolls, pinches her, pulls her hair, bites her, picks her nose, anything but goes to sleep. Again, are we sure this is my son?! I'm a sleeper. Well, I guess I used to be! He may or may not take 1-2 naps a day. No set time- just if he wants too. I asked how we could tell if he is tired. His foster mom said, if he starts just rolling over or starts biting you! What?!
- On that note, he is a biter. His foster mom said he bites a lot. Awesome.
- They said he is very very very busy. He's always into everything. He opens all the drawers and pulls everything out. He won't let the foster mom read the paper- he shreds it!
Bates' foster mom has fostered 22 children and she said he is her second most difficult!
At one point, the foster mom is talking to DJ and she and the two interns just laughed. I looked at DJ and said, "what, is it so bad you don't want to tell me". She said Yes! They just say he is very very bad!
I don't speak any Korean, but I could tell from the foster mom's tone and her hand motions that what she was saying was serious. He is a "naughty" and "difficult" boy!
The foster mom said she has been praying for us, especially for his teenage years!
Bates' foster dad said the house will be SO quiet when Bates leaves. They won't know what to do (they have one other foster child now too, guess she is a good baby!)
DJ said she is glad we are young and energetic, cause we will need it! Oh my!
His foster father told us he is a sweet boy and will melt our hearts. He already has, now we just have to get him to like us!
I asked the foster mom to sing Bates a song so we could record it. She rocked him and sang this super sweet lullaby. I thought she would sing a fun song and he would dance, but she just rocked him and sang to him. Ok, I LOST it! And I'm tearing up again just typing about it. After that, I was a mess. I cried the rest of the meeting. Not like sobbing, but just tears I couldn't stop. I was a wreck.
Every time we tried to hold Bates he cried. Every time. He would just squirm and try to get back to his foster mother. It broke my heart to think of what will happen on Friday. As soon as I handed him back, he was all smiles. He loved having his picture made. He would try to reach for the camera. He liked the cell phone and hammer we brought for him. His foster mom said he likes balls and cars. So looks like we will stock up for the plane!
He was not a fan of either me or Nick. I couldn't stop crying. Nick would look at me, and I would say "I can't help it. I can't stop" It was an emotional time. After the long wait, here we were. Our son. He wasn't a fan of us. It was heart wrenching. And on top of that, Friday will be gut wrenching. Oh, I can't even think about it.
DJ and the foster mom were really sweet to me, while I was boohooing like a baby! The foster mom said, today I cry, she cries on Friday. Nope, pretty sure I'll cry then too! I think they know what a rough transition he will have and really feel sorry for us!
We have a rough road ahead. I prepared myself for this, but hoped for the best. It looks like it will be rough. Really rough. His a tough baby, a difficult child, and we are taking him from his security, his home and the only family he has known.
We were asked to come to his pre-flight physical on Thursday (so no Everland). Hopefully it will go better than today did. (for both me and Bates) I plan on trying to keep it together!
After about an hour, they packed up and we all headed out. I cried the entire way down the steps and most of the way back to Somerset on the subway. I was a mess, and still am.
I told Nick I don't think it could have gone worse. He agreed, but he said, at least he is healthy. And I agree, we've got a 100% plus boy. He is naughty and difficult, and ALL OURS!
Here are the pictures from our meeting today. Please note the tears, from me and Bates.

I don't speak any Korean, but I could tell from the foster mom's tone and her hand motions that what she was saying was serious. He is a "naughty" and "difficult" boy!
The foster mom said she has been praying for us, especially for his teenage years!
Bates' foster dad said the house will be SO quiet when Bates leaves. They won't know what to do (they have one other foster child now too, guess she is a good baby!)
DJ said she is glad we are young and energetic, cause we will need it! Oh my!
- Bates loves music. If you put music on, he dances and pretends to sing in a microphone. His foster family is Christian and they take him to church on Sundays and he just claps and sings with the music! We will have to go back to the Lotte Mart and pick up some Korean music for the guy, I think we are gonna need it!
- Bates LOVES LOVES LOVES his foster mom. She has been his "mom" since he was released from the hospital. She has mothered him for 14 mths! They told us, he only likes her, he doesn't even really like anyone else in the family.
- Bates will sleep up to two hours in his carseat. Looks like there will be LOTS of driving in my future!
- He loves to be outside.
His foster father told us he is a sweet boy and will melt our hearts. He already has, now we just have to get him to like us!
I asked the foster mom to sing Bates a song so we could record it. She rocked him and sang this super sweet lullaby. I thought she would sing a fun song and he would dance, but she just rocked him and sang to him. Ok, I LOST it! And I'm tearing up again just typing about it. After that, I was a mess. I cried the rest of the meeting. Not like sobbing, but just tears I couldn't stop. I was a wreck.
Every time we tried to hold Bates he cried. Every time. He would just squirm and try to get back to his foster mother. It broke my heart to think of what will happen on Friday. As soon as I handed him back, he was all smiles. He loved having his picture made. He would try to reach for the camera. He liked the cell phone and hammer we brought for him. His foster mom said he likes balls and cars. So looks like we will stock up for the plane!
He was not a fan of either me or Nick. I couldn't stop crying. Nick would look at me, and I would say "I can't help it. I can't stop" It was an emotional time. After the long wait, here we were. Our son. He wasn't a fan of us. It was heart wrenching. And on top of that, Friday will be gut wrenching. Oh, I can't even think about it.
DJ and the foster mom were really sweet to me, while I was boohooing like a baby! The foster mom said, today I cry, she cries on Friday. Nope, pretty sure I'll cry then too! I think they know what a rough transition he will have and really feel sorry for us!
We have a rough road ahead. I prepared myself for this, but hoped for the best. It looks like it will be rough. Really rough. His a tough baby, a difficult child, and we are taking him from his security, his home and the only family he has known.
We were asked to come to his pre-flight physical on Thursday (so no Everland). Hopefully it will go better than today did. (for both me and Bates) I plan on trying to keep it together!
After about an hour, they packed up and we all headed out. I cried the entire way down the steps and most of the way back to Somerset on the subway. I was a mess, and still am.
I told Nick I don't think it could have gone worse. He agreed, but he said, at least he is healthy. And I agree, we've got a 100% plus boy. He is naughty and difficult, and ALL OURS!
Here are the pictures from our meeting today. Please note the tears, from me and Bates.
I think everyone that reads this will be crying...happy tears that is. =) Just remember that God has chosen this little boy for you and Nick. Everything is going to be fine. It sounds like He chose the best foster parents for Bates and now He has chosen the best lifelong parents for Bates too.
ReplyDeleteEsther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"
ReplyDeletePraying for you guys in the days ahead. You can do it!
Mary Leigh - I did see some smiles on those pictures of Bates, not just tears! It will get better and he will soon know that you are his parents and that you have nothing but love and comfort for him. Keeping you all in my thoughts as you continue your journey to bring Bates home! Susan (Holt BB)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your son, Bates! He has the most wonderful little smile! Our little one cried on our first meeting too. We only held him once he had fallen fast asleep :) I can so closely relate to how you are feeling.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely go out and get some Korean children's cds. It is wonderful that Bates loves music! The Korean cds may help to calm him. They definitely helped our son.
Hang in there! Take this time to enjoy being in Korea before you get your son on forever day. Seoul is an amazing place to be!
You are going to be great parents! I know I don't know you, but I can tell from what you have written, just how much you already love your son and how much you just want him to be happy. He WILL be! You can do this!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
I knew you were meeting Bates at 11:00 Indiana time last night. I dreamed about Korean babies ALL NIGHT LONG!! I could not wait to get up and read your blog knowing that your meeting with your baby would be here. Everything will be alright. Transitions are hard for everyone, no matter what the age. I will tell you like MawMaw told me FOREVER...."Put a smile on your face and a song in your heart" and go get 'em MOMMY!!! I'm so proud of you and Nick. I love you sweet girl!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on meeting your son. God has chosen him for you.
ReplyDeleteMany blessings,
I know you must be overwhelmed with so many emotions. God handpicked Bates just for you and Nick and He will give you the strength you need to get through the difficult days ahead. Bates will be fine and will be a happy, thriving little boy in no time! It is sooo good to finally see him in your arms!!!
ReplyDeleteMary Leigh- not sure if you remember me but I have been blog stalking you since Casey sent the link!!!! I am sooooooo happy for yall and am in tears reading this!!! Please know that even us here in Tx are praying for a smooth Friday and that Bates will adjust quickly!!!! He is BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteThis, too, shall pass.
ReplyDeleteYou are a beautiful family. Congratulations! ((HUGS))
so he's going to be the one that Silas follows to get in trouble, huh? :)
ReplyDeletePraying for your bonding and your trip home. No sugarcoating ... you will be tired, exhausted, and worn down. However, it will be an amazing feeling having him HOME!
I couldn't wait to get up and read about your meeting with Bates. We all knew his transition would be trying, but it will smooth out. My tears are running down my face. Don't worry about the eating. Remember Ross didn't eat anything but cheetos and chicken nuggets! Can't wait for you three to get home!
ReplyDeleteForgot to tell you....I sent Uncle Joe your blog address a while back so he could see the pictures of Bates. He emailed me back and said "He looks oriental...what's up with that?"!!! I'm having a really hard time working this morning....can't get you guys out of my mind. Enjoy the rest of your trip and be happy Friday bringing him home! Gosh what a great adventure making such unbelievable memories. Just think how cool this will be sharing every step, blog, picture with him when he's old enough to understand.
ReplyDeleteI got to work this morning and pulled up your blog first thing. I was dying to read the blog on meeting Bates! Just remember God has given you Bates and He has equipped you with exactly what you need to be his parents! You knew it'd be tough, but you guys are perfect for this! And you have all of us praying for you and supporting you!
ReplyDeletePS - I love that you cried the whole time. So sweet. And I'm glad you let yourself truly "feel" it.
praying for you guys. knowing many emotions are running through you and knowing that they will not all last forever. you have friends in the Boro ready to help when needed! you are Bates' perfect parents. just know that we have even questioned our own biological children being "ours" with the obsessive throwing up and funny personalities and character traits! can't wait to see you all sunday!
ReplyDeleteokay, i'm completely in tears...was SO hoping you had blogged when i woke up this morning...he is just precious! we're still kiddos are loving keeping up with your journey! i think it's actually a wonderful thing he has been with such a sweet Christian family and that he is so attached to his foster mother--i'm thinking this means once he bonds with you, that bond will be strong b/c he has known that bond before...seems they have taken such good care of him!! it may be rough, but HE IS YOURS!!! and, you have tons of support when you get home!! love to you guys! see you sooooon!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, can we just take a moment to say HOW STINKIN' CUTE HE IS IN HIS TIE!!!! And so big! No worries, he will love you too in no time at all. And I truly believe that once he realizes he is finally in his own home with a stable loving environment, parents who love him unconditionally, an extended network of family and friends who adore him he will calm down. But you know I like little boys a bit rowdy too!
ReplyDeleteYou just bring him over to his friend Will's house. He has a shelf full of mandarin oranges that he would be happy to share! After that my little picky eater can introduce Bates to Will's five favorite food groups: Milk, Cheese, Peanut Butter, Fruit and of course, Birthday cake! We'll have Bates eating in no time!!
And you know I have LOTS of pointers in the puking department as well!!!!!
You know God has His hand on this union and you have so many of us praying for you, everything will work out in the perfect timimg. Just take a breath and tackle one hurdle at a time.
Oh, sweet friend. I am so happy for you...and I can only imagine how emotional of a day it was. God placed you on this earth to be his mommy. It was his plan from the very beginning...and as for the puking...well, I am very used to that with Layla and acid reflux and you just get used to the smell. :) Wear extra perfume.
ReplyDeleteLove you friend and praying for all of you daily.
ML i NEVER cry, like never. and now I am sitting at my desk crying over this. I think everyone at work thinks that I have lost it. haha, congrats to all of you!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think he's a difficult baby, he has a sweet face... He's just very bright: reading his description just remind me of our son!
ReplyDeleteI hate to hear that you think the first meeting went awful. But seriously, ANY kid would act that way!!!! He just needs time to realize how awesome ya'll are :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you've finally gotten to MEET your son, HOLD your son, and LOVE on your son. This is what you've been waiting for!! No one said it'd be easy...and it will still be hard for months to come....but that's what parenthood is! You guys can do it!
ps That tie is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
God's mighty hand has been at work in this union from the beginning. Just trust...
ReplyDeleteChange is hard. Adjustments are hard. But all will be well.... Have faith.
And, by the way, I am going to say he has "personality"... =-)
Love to you all!
Mary Leigh, I'm sorry first meeting was so hard. But it's good that you'll see him again on Thursday and get to spend more time with Bates then. You're educated and prepared and that's half the battle. The transition might be difficult but the fact that he loves his FM so much is a great sign. That attachment can be transferred but it might take so work. I believe you're ready for job. You guys are in my prayers!
While everyone else is crying, I'm laughing-not at your tears, but by your humor! Everything is gonna be alright! All in good time, my dear. I love the pictures. Please keep the information coming. I shared some of the blog with my class this morning, and they liked your humor, too! There is a teacher at my school- who is super sweet and lovely-who was adopted from South Korea 20 years ago. I talked to her about you guys and she was SO excited! I sent her a link to your blog, so don't be surprised if you get a post from a stranger. Love you! Love Nick! LOVE BATES! God TOTALLY picked a good one for you guys!
ReplyDeleteI practically wrecked my car this morning trying to get to my computer here at work to check your blog. WOW! Congratulations on your beautiful (and oh so stylish) son! I'm sure Bates was only crying at the fulfillment of this miracle;) He doesn't even know the wonderful life he has ahead of him with Nick and ML as his Mommy and Daddy! So happy for you guys--praying for you all during this EMOTIONAL time! (you aren't the only one crying sweet friend!)
ReplyDeleteOh, and this is your tall friend, Beth!
I so look forward to reading your blogs each day and seeing those awesome pictures. It is so cool that we can follow your amazing journey! I just love Bates' little tie, it is so precious!
ReplyDeleteHang in there, you have many, many people praying for you, Nick and Bates as you become a family. God is so good, I know he is blessing you three. No one promised your path would be easy, but I know you and Nick realize that. Just look to God and family and friends and you will make it.
I am praying for all of you, and yes it will be difficult for Bates' foster parents, but God will bless them as well. Just think of the great upbringing he received while in their care. They seem like such sweet people. God has blessed Bates' with loving, caring foster parents. Now Bates' is blessed with two loving, caring parents as well. I know that parenting is scary sometimes, especially for new parents, but it all works out somehow. You will find that you have that "motherly instinct" and you will do just fine. Look to God, family, friends and each other and you will do just fine. Keep the faith!
Love, Joan C.
BEAUTIFUL boy!!! It is SO surreal meeting your child for the first time! Praying things go better after you get him for keeps. It sounds to me like he for sure has reflux and I am praying that IS what it is so you can get it straightened out and have a happier boy on your hands! The fact that he will sleep in his car seat (upright) for 2+ hours is a good indicator to me of the reflux, as well as the other things.
ReplyDeleteMary Leigh! You can do this! Not one person would expect a 14 month old boy to react any differently. Just think, at least he is attached; that means in time, he will attach himself to you, Nick, and his new life too! That little guy is going to be just fine, and so are you. And if he is into balls and cars, I know just the place! Take a deep breath, let go of your expectations, take each moment as it comes, and revel in every second of being a mom. It is what you have dreamed about and prayed for. It is here! You CAN do it! Love you guys! can and will do this. Nothing about this journey has been as you have planned, but exactly as God has ordained. He is son you have prayed for and I have no doubt that you guys will work through all of these things!
ReplyDeleteHe is beautiful, relax, take these moments in with your man and get that precious boy home!
Praying for you!
Oh, Mary Leigh, I can smell your fear all the way in TN! You are going to be awesome. The transition time will be tough, but it is just a season. Lots of love and firm limits will make him feel secure before you know it. He will recognize that with you he is safe and, though he may be a tough toddler, he will be a delight to you! I am praying for you!
ReplyDeleteBTW...bought poster board today! woo hoo! Just looking at the pics of you with him IN YOUR ARMS was enough to send me over the edge in happy tears. Go Mommy Go!
Mary Leigh...CONGRATS! You are now experiencing all that goes with being a Mommy! Everything you have described is normal. Everything you are feeling is completely normal! Our youngest cried and screamed for 2 hours when we first received her in our arms. So did 7 of the 9 other babies in our group. They were all just about the age of Bates. Also, don't worry about him not eating yet. Like Bates, my daughter would ONLY drink formula at 14 months. That changed in a hurry, once we got her home. :) I would highly suggest you NOT try to get Bates to eat anything else until you get home. Adding foods to his diet can upset his digestive track even more. We just let our daughter have the comfort of her normal bottles of formula while we were traveling, and then started adding to her diet once we got home. Your meeting with Bates was not only seemed bad to exhausted, anxious waiting parents. :) It actually went very normally...much like many unions of new families. Please don't worry about that. As far as some of the behaviors the foster mom said Bates has...maybe, maybe not. You might see a completely different child once you get Bates home and set firm, loving boundaries and shower him with God's love and attention. Even if he is not different at home, you will not be the first mommy to parent an active little boy. It is a blessing. Remember you have lots of help once you get home. Try not to feel too overwhelmed. One day at a time, while you are traveling. You can work on breaking bad habits once you get home. You just do whatever you have to do, to keep the "peace", while you travel. :) Everything changes once you get home, have support and help and good medical care, and Bates settles into his new, loving, STABLE environment. May God bless and keep the three of you while you travel and become a family! May he set his angels all about you, keep you safe and comfortable, and may he fill little Bates' heart with peace and understanding and a brave heart, as he leaves the only mommy he has ever known, to be united with his forever Mom and Dad who love him more than words can express. :) Bates will be fine, and you will be fine, too. It takes time. The grieving process is SO normal. I would be worried if Bates did NOT grieve...very worried. But I know from personal experience that it is easy to know that in your head, but very difficult to live that out in real life. It is hard, emotional, exhausting, but you will do it. God will gift you with everything you need...he already has done it. The payoff is BIG...just keep remembering that. :) Oh, by the way, Bates is absolutely precious! What a sweet thing for his foster mom to dress him up in a little tie to meet his mommy and daddy!
ReplyDeleteMany blessings to all three of you!
--Brenda (You know...that member of your WOC adoption group that has never actually attended a meeting? Yep...that's me. :)
so glad you finally met bates! i'm sure it will be a process with attachment and adjusting, but so worth it in the end. one day/minute at a time :).
ReplyDeleteHe is all yours! I will be praying for Friday. That by far was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. Taking him out of his mothers (what he knew of a mother) and taking him. I am praying now. Hang tight. Its a journey. You can email anytime!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are amazing!
Oh and I had to laugh at the beginning when you walked in. It was just so fast and unorganized and chaotic for us too. I love it. H